Penang Thalassaemia Society



World Thalassaemia Day :-
1. Paeds Workshop by Penang General Hospital
Hotel Mercure
Date : Saturday 11/5/2024
Time : 8.30am - 1 pm
Limited space.
(Interested contact : Nurse Ida, Paeds Day Care)

2. Paeds Workshop by Seberasng Jaya Hospital (Dato Dr. Angeline Yeoh)
Hotel Ixora, Prai.
Date : Saturday 18/5/2024
Time : 8.30am - 1 pm
Limited space.
(Interested contact : Nurse Wani, Paeds Day Care)

Yuran Ahli - RM10.00 setahun.
Bank - in ( Public Bank Bhd - 3097195032)

Public Awareness : Let's walk for thalassaemia 2024
Date : Sunday 8/9/2024
Time : 7am - 11 am
Venue : Taman Belia (Youth Park)
Grand Prize : Motor Cycle

28th. Workshop (Chairperson Dr. SL Yeoh)
Sabtu & Ahad - 9th - 10 th. November 2024
Hotel - TBC




The  Pulau Pinang Thalassaemia Society (Pertubuhan Thalassaemia Pulau Pinang) was formed in 1988 by a small group of affected families and well-wishers to provide moral support , raise funds to improve treatment and facilities for the  betterment of Thalassaemics.


Objectives :

  1. To set up a local resource center whereby Thalassaemics, their families  and well-wishes can get-together to exchange ideas and disseminate data, information  on Thalassaemia.
  2. To raise funds to run the various projects such as TAS ( Treatment Assistance Subsidy ) , T*2 subsidy, motivation camps  to improve quality of life of Thalassaemics.
  3. To establish and maintain  close contacts with blood donor services and NGOs to ensure adequate blood supply for our Thalssaemics' requirements.
  4. To support  and cooperate with local health care authorities in the care, treatment and management of our Thalassaemics.
  5. To liase with other Thalassaemia Societies, both national or international, commercial and research establishments  on latest developments in the management of Thalassaemia.
  6. To create public awareness and counselling  on Thalassaemia including screening for carriers.
  7. To update members and healthcare providers on new modalities of treatment and management.

The PULAU PINANG THALASSAEMIA SOCIETY strongly believes that with proper care and management, Thalassaemics can grow up to be normal , productive adults. Thalassaemia is NOT an illness but a disorder, so it  is worth investing in,  as survival rate with proper management is high.

With total care,Thalassaemics are able to join the workforce and contribute to society.This has already been proven in countries where total care is available free of charge.

Contact Information

Office Hours
Mon - Fri (9.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Postal address
CO38-UP, Penang Caring Society Complex,
      Jalan Utama
10450 Penang

Electronic mail